Second Walk - What A Party

Party Hollow
Note the rope swing, and how long it is. It's centre point is a good 15 feet from the tree to its immediate left, the normal launching point. You can get a hella rush, with the 30 foot action.

Here's the hollow, up close. One 12 pack box lies exhausted in the middle of the clearing, and there are several of her children nearby. Look carefully, you may see them. Other debris here and there.
See how high off the ground the bottom of the rope swing is? Look back at the photo above - I'm betting that it was hauled up to the tree to the far left and in the forefront, for launching, at least once. Imagine the rush that gives you. That's a good 25 feet from center to edge of swing span - think of 50 foot swing action, with a 15 foot drop. I've done the swing from the first tree - that's good enough for me.

The previously identified 12 pack case, her sister, and 4 of the young ones, some found hiding in the bushes nearby. And an assortment of other debris.
- 2 water bottles.
- 1 well crushed Coors can.
- 1 Coney Island whitefish.
- Various portions of napkins, aluminum foil, bottle caps, and a drinking straw.

Back at the disposal site, another sister found.

Remember the mysterious thick and brittle document, found yesterday? Well, it did not take kindly to being disposed of, and was found under a picnic table. On closer examination, it turns out to be a portion of a Dominos Pizza carton.

The picnic area / disposal site, with the previously mentioned water faucet to my right and out of the picture. Note the single trash can, dimly visible just past the table in the foreground (and just below the 3 Miller sisters, above)? We have here 2 shelters, 3 tables each, and 1 trash can serving all 6 tables. Is the Martinez Parks staff really thinking?

Another assortment of debris.
- 2 newspaper pages, well faded with age.
- One coffee cup.
- Yet another of the Miller family kidz.
- An Official Sesame Street Juice box.
- A Capri Sun juice bag.
- A half eaten Proma-something breakfast bar.
- An Extra! gum wrapper.
- Yet another drinking straw.
Despite the presence of another one of the Miller kidz, this assortment shows some health consciousness. The newspaper, showing attention to current events. The breakfast bar, and 2 juice containers, and a coffee cup. And sugar free gum. Things are looking up.